Thursday, June 25, 2009


Okay, this has been a big week or so in the news both nationally and locally. I thought I would give my particular slant to these events.

First off, The Gosselins. Admittedly, I did watch the show a few times but quickly realized what a piece of crap it was. I was offended by Kate almost immediately. Her constant nagging of her husband was unbearable. I was offended too by the obvious exploitation of the children. Finally, I was irritated by the fact that companies were giving them free stuff all the time which pretty much amounted to free publicity for those companies. So, they are getting divorced. Who didn't see this coming? AND they are continuing the series...yeah, everyone loves to look at train wreck.

Delaware County is enacting a wheel tax. People are going to complain, but IF the money is used to help Muncie's streets look and drive better, then I"m all for it. It's an embarrassment. My street (granted not a major street) has never been repaired in the six years we've lived here. So deal with it, Munsonians!

We saw three celebrities pass this week and all three did have a profound effect on us.

First of all, the greatest second banana of all time, Ed McMahon passes first. He was great to watch as Johnny Carson's announcer and many people forgot how funny he could be and how he could zing Johnny as well.

Second, the first female celebrity that I had a crush on. Farrah Fawcett. She was gorgeous. I remember having the poster in my room. Charlie's Angels was and will continue to be the inspiration for strong female characters. Yes, it was a jiggle-fest, but it was about strong women. At the risk of sounding like pseudo-feminist, the women on that show were tough....and beautiful. It's too bad her death has been eclipsed by the death of the final celebrity in this blog.

Finally, the death of Michael Jackson. I'll admit, I was not a fan, but I completely understand the impact he had on pop culture, music, and MTV. What is so horrible is the media circus. I'll talk about that in the CNN rant. MTV, for my money, did the best job of discussing it today. It was simple, respectful, and didn't dwell on his troubles. Truly sad for all of us who grew up listening to him.

ME's Zoo is closing. Another victim of the economy. For those of you who don't know about this local landmark, it is a privately owned zoo that was affordable and for what it was, it was great.

Okay CNN is full of morons. Wolf Blitzer repeating back answers that people just gave him and acting all smug about CNN not confirming the death. Like it's not true unless CNN confirms it. Showing the zombie scene from Thriller as it was being announced that Michael Jackson died. Campell Brown asking asking an on the scene reporter if any of his neighbors are out in the streets when the reporter just interviewed two neighbors. Larry King (who in my mind was not happy about the decision) scrapping a show on Farrah which is basically about how courageous she was in fighting her cancer to devote his show to MJ's passing. Yes, it was bigger news, but give Farrah her due. And the celebrities who they got to talk to Larry? Celine Dion?? What the hell does she have to do with him. She didn't really know him and she mentioned her upcoming tour, so it was a plug. Cher, I understand. She knew him AND Farrah. Who are they going to ask questions of next? Bruno? Paris Hilton? Please.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Reunited and it felt so good.

So, I must admit that going to the reunion was absolutely amazing. I had the best time and it was great to see people again. I got all nostalgic over it. (see entry below) I think it kind of sums everything up.

The Value of Small Town

I would have never even thought about it, but in retrospect, it was
really great living in a small town. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't
want it now, however, the very reason that I disliked school so much
because everyone knew everyone is the very same reason that I enjoyed
being at the reunion so much.

Yes, we had our cliques. The Band geeks, athletes, shop boys, drama
fags, etc etc. But the simple fact that we shared a commonality of
going to a small school really puts a different value on things.
My wife went to larger school and she barely knew anyone in her class.

We ALL KNEW each other for better or for worse. I feel that when we were
in school if a major crisis would have happened, all those barriers
would have completely vanished. Maybe it is naive of me to say so.
I was sitting out in my yard the other night and there was no traffic,
the wind whistling through my huge maple trees and sounds of crickets
and cicadas buzzing and chirping around and it reminded me so much of
being out on my family's farm. I said something to my wife and she
just rolled her eyes. She is suburb girl. It was pretty special to
grow up in that area. I wouldn't go back because I'm dazzling
urbanite now, but by God, it was great to have those memories sweep
over me.
Also, think about when we went to school. Our area was still so
mellow. I have always had the firm belief that growing up in the 70's
and 80's was probably the best time ever in our little community
because we were aware of things but they didn't really touch us that
much. Sure the times had some influence, but it didn't dictate ideas.
I may just be awash in nostalgia.... but after forty that is sometimes all we have.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Reunited and it feels so good???

Well, tomorrow night is my twenty-five year high school reunion. I'm not too sure what to expect. We are meeting at a smorgasbord in Hagerstown. I have a feeling the crowd will be a little sparse. We had one reunion at five years and no one came (me included).
My biggest fear is my looks. I just hope no one comes out going, "Man, Todd looks old or fat or whatever negative" I would like to show up those people in my class that I've done something. I don't want to be an also ran.
I'll let you know how things went tomorrow.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

...and so it goes....

Seven years ago, the theatre department was given a permanent home within the school. We have seen major improvement in the quality of shows as well as state-wide recognition of our program. The renovation of a chorus room into a studio theater has a lot to do with that. The construction did come with a price for the music department. Unfortunately, they lost a great deal of space to make way for the theater. The music department was promised a small building off the band room. To date, that building has not been constructed and along with costumes from the theatre department, the band uniforms and music files were transported down to room 100. (ironically, the old drama classroom) where they stayed until about two years ago. The uniforms were moved back down to the band room to make room for chairs and tables for the high school. The music files have remained in room 100 as have the costumes. The theatre department moved costumes from an upstairs closet to room 100 as well to make room for the corporation as well. In this time frame, the state fire marshal explained that all of the theatre department large props and set pieces, wood for set construction, and the like needed to be removed because of fire code laws. The theatre department went through all things and kept the items that were felt to be useful (or in some cases impossible to replace) for future productions and disposed of the rest. The department kept the items in room 100 as there was nowhere else to store them.

Somewhere along the way, the school corporation decided that high students assigned to in-school suspension and Day Reporting would be in housed in a section of room 100. A wall was built and study areas were put into place for those students. The high number of students assigned to this area made it necessary for the ISS supervisor to put some of the students in the area assigned to the theatre and music departments (now also a storage area for chairs and tables for the high school). This has contributed to the theatre department losing costume pieces as well as having items damaged. We have been through the costumes at least twice every year for the past three years to inspect costumes and rid ourselves of items that no longer are in show worthy shape.

Nearly four years ago, our superintendent attempted to get the school corporation behind a new building project that would have given our theater department a new home in the construction of an auditorium. Unfortunately, members of the community, were opposed to such a project and it was eventually rejected by the school board. A lot of what both the theatre and music department is going through could have been avoided had construction taken place, but that issue is in the past.

In the past year, it was expressed to both the theatre and music departments, that the ISS area in room 100 would be expanded and we were to look into ways to move costumes and the choral music files to another area. The theatre department once again went through costumes on more than two occasions to make cuts to our inventory and disposed of more costumes.

The administration is now pushing the theatre and music departments to make a decision on where to put these items without offering any solutions. Both departments have little to no storage. It has been suggested that items need to be thrown away. The theatre department has suggested that an out building be constructed to house the costumes as long as it is secure and climate controlled so that our costumes will not deteriorate any further. The theatre department would be willing to share space with the music department in a building.

I suggest that if the administration really wants the room, then should provide a climate controlled building that we can house our costumes and set pieces as well as the choral music files. If the administration is willing to do so, then the theatre department would be more than willing to give up the space for the students assigned to ISS and Day Reporting.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

You might say that...I could not possibly comment..

If anyone is reading this will no doubt know that I am a huge fan of British Television programmes. I love British Situation comedies, but I also like a lot of British Drama series like "Cracker" with Robbie Coltrane. By far, my favorite is "House of Cards," "To Play the King," and "The Final Cut" all starring the incomparable Ian Richardson as Francis Urquhart. If you haven't seen the series before, you need to go out and get it. He is really a wonderful combination of my favorite Shakespearean villian (and favorite play) Richard III and a little bit of MacBeth thrown in the mixture. He is sly, ruthless, untrustworthy, a liar, and utter utterly charming.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Magic To Do/Comedy Tonight

Well, we did our magic and improv comedy this year for a fundraiser since we have NOOO money. While the crowds were not big, they were certainly receptive. It was a lot of fun to produce, but tiring. I hope to have some pictures available soon, but for now, here is one...